Building a sticker Sheet Design structure for Scaling Design Systems
The purpose of this project is to create a comprehensive sticker sheet that can be used to scale design systems within an organization. The sticker sheet will serve as a library of reusable design elements, icons, and components that can be easily accessed and utilized by designers and developers to maintain consistency and efficiency across various digital products and platforms.
With the help of the atomic design process, you can build and maintain strong design systems and provide higher-quality, more reliable user interfaces more quickly than before.
By applying this methodology, we created a design system that includes a robust library of UI components, enabling Brenger to have a consistent user interface throughout its online presence. In addition to this, they can create faster & higher quality content. We will have a shared vocabulary between disciplines. products will be more accessible to test. And lastly, the system will also provide a future-friendly foundation for evolving and growing their digital brand over time.
To maintain the web materials' elements, such as buttons, colour schemes, typography, spacing, and components, consistent, organised, and always accessible to anybody, every element and component is documented in a library.
Illustrations have the ability to tell stories and convey complex ideas in a simplified and visually appealing manner. They can be used to guide users through a sequence of steps or to demonstrate a product's features and benefits. By using illustrations from the design system, we we're able to create a narrative that connects with users on an emotional level and helps them better understand the product & service.
Creating a sticker sheets design system taught me the importance of consistency, organization, and scalability in design. By establishing standardized elements and guidelines, I streamlined the creation process, maintained brand identity, and enhanced collaboration. This experience will influence my future design work and contribute to project success.
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